6 comments on “Gastroentolololololow

  1. Hmmm, sounds like what I just went through, which, as far as my doctors can tell (including the gastro), was an allergy to a particular medication I was on. Can you ask your neurologist for a referral to a GI doc? Shouldn’t be a problem. Maybe you’re allergic to your meds? Are you on anything else besides the Avonex?

  2. Don’t let M scare you! I didn’t have to have a colonoscopy, only an endoscopy (down the throat). And they even gave me twilight sedation for that. Don’t remember a thing about it, just the nurse pushing something into my IV and the next thing I knew, I was listening to the GI record his dictation about my case from a chair across the room! Not traumatic at all. 😉 If you don’t want to call the doc, I would try cutting out the Naprosyn and see what happens. Just use Advil or something else for a while.

  3. I should also say that when I was ill, my GI told me to stay away from ibuprofen and naproxen because they can irritate your stomach, and only take Tylenol. Now that I’m feeling better, I’ve gone back to Advil, but I found that Tylenol Rapid Release tablets worked pretty well when I couldn’t take my beloved Advil.

  4. Does the Naprosyn do anything for your headaches? The neuroquack gives my hubby fiorinal for the pain, and higher and higher dosages of elavil at night (supposedly to control the headaches). Doesn’t work…can’t wait to get in to the MS clinic and see a better doctor! Oh, and being forty-something myself, I recently had a colonoscopy and endoscopy done at the same time. Like Becca says, don’t remember a thing. Just DON’T eat anything crunchy for a few days afterward….BOY did that HURT!

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