I mentioned in my last post about my meds and the crappyness I feel.
Here is the reason I am on Avonex…
Once a week.
Plain and simple. I hate shots to begin with, let alone I can barely remember to take it once a week.
I have a PPO insurance policy, and the Tysabri (which I did love by the way, forget the crap surrounding it) is a $3000 infusion, I have to pay $200 approx of that. Well my insurance gives me a $1000 out-of-pocket premium for the year (like a deductable) and with 5 infusions I would hit that and then pay NOTHING. On a Rx, that is 360 a year always, not to mention my other medical bills. Trying to figure out whats worth it.
When Tysabri is released again (very soon I’m told by Biogen and Mich Inst of Neuro Disorders) I might get back on that.
OR I can not take anything 🙂 Yea right, those were the days.
Last night was my first softball game since the surgery and my at bats were crap (0-3) but I play 1st and we turned about 4 or so double plays and won 2-1 in extra innings.
Now on to the Gus Macker 3-on-3 basketball tourney this weekend. Plus I gotta get moving into my new house. sdehfsjdlhfsdljhflsdhoeihfds too much to do.
Those ‘out of pocket’ conditions can be a real bugger unless you are one of the mis-fortunate like us and spend WADS of cash on pharma. I remember back when I was healthy (read: non-diseased 10 years ago), I thought it was the biggest rip-off ever concocted by the HMO crowd.