Ok, nothing really new going on in my life except I can play World of Warcraft without my wife complaining. She has found her own addiction, Smallville. Once she catches up to the present episodes (now in 4th season) I’m sure I won’t be able to play as much again.
The reason I bring up that game is because in my last post, a comment was from an old college roomate, John Do. Turns out he plays the game too, but on a different server. John, if you are reading this, my email is the same hit me up. I would join you on your Wow server but I’ve (as everyone here reads) invested waaay too much time into this character to switch over to a new one. I’m level 37 and according to my /played I’ve played for over 8 days game time. In other words, over 192 hours in close to 2 months. Anyway, John, email me. My character is “Brookelynn” on Dalaran server. Also, before John was my roomate, he was our friend Jed’s. He just emailed me today too. Too wierd.
On another note, my Celica is officially mine. Had it inspected and signed the new contract, title will officially be mine. It was a lease before (which screwed me in the end) but I dont have to worry about milage anymore. Its in the shop right now getting new brake pads ($350 just for PADS). 80,000 miles on the original pads is pretty impressive though.
Next Tues. is Tysabri round 2. We’ll see how that goes.
Also I noticed that my archive was linking wrong, so that is fixed now.