Ok, I’m still trying to learn how blogger works. Eventually I will design my own site once I find out how to do everything I’d like to do.
Is there a simple way to have links on your page (I see everyone else does) or is it just adding it into the code?
Also, I just love the name of this diary. I should write a book. Plus my title banner is pretty.
I’m so bored at work right now, can’t you tell?
Hi PacFu, I followed Becca over to say hey but what I really want to know is how you feel about the new cinematic version of Hitchhiker’s Guide?When I saw the preview I heard a guy behind me say, “I just hope it doesn’t suck.” I totally loved the BBC version so I think a rerelease of that would have been totally fine.Oh and I’m also a blogger w/ MS. Becca seems to be turning us into an actual group or something < g >
Well one thing from the BBC version is it was almost word for word with the book, thats was made it so good. I have a feeling the new one will distroy the feel of the story.
Yeah, I mean couldn’t they have done one of the later books instead of remaking something that’s already been done?
And Mos Def as Ford?? hmm, I wonder where the thinking process was on that casting.
As far as Blogger is concerned, when I used it, I added stuff to my sidebar by editing the template HTML. There should be a section for the sidebar near the end of your template. Hack away.
Thanks for the link!I’m finding your new style (dark grey #cccccc text on dark blue #112233 background)too low contrast to read comfortably – must be getting old.