Sunday, 4/11 I worked in the morning, then immediately after went bowling. I got a text from Robbi at 615 asking if I was done yet, then another at 645 saying “thanks for letting me know”. When I was finished at 7, I then looked at my phone, its usually on vibrate when I bowl to not disturb others. I responded “Sorry, didnt get your txt till now, I’m on my way home. I get home and she is not home.
I txt and ask where she is and she said at kroger shopping and wanted me to answer her so she didnt have to take the kids. So I shower and lay down. 8:30, she storms through the door “MATT!! Give these kids a bath!!” wow, ok. then I ask is everything OK? “FINE” she says, then I say “what the heck did I do?” Skylar then adds, “She has been like this all day.” Its bad when Robbi’s anger is starting to be noticed by children. Frankly there is no reason for her to be angry.
I have suggested to robbi to switch her meds, she is really unstable right now. There isn’t a good conversation with her that doesn’t turn bad for no reason.
This morning I ask if she did laundry, and says “Yes but not yours” I ask why, she responds with I havent done yours in a couple weeks, you are capable of doing your own. This is getting ridiculous.