So, in a few weeks, I turn 29. It doesn’t seem that old until you see athletes and celebrities younger than your youngest brother (21). After a while it starts to get creepy. So be it. Around this time of year, I’m asked what I want as a gift. Year after year, I answer with the same…nothing. I’m not really into birthdays anymore. I’d probably forget about it if I wasn’t reminded. Having a birthday on the “real” Columbus Day (not the Monday its celebrated on) makes it somewhat easy to remind myself, but I think I’ll take that Monday off this year to be with my wife for the morning and go to breakfast or something.
So what do I want? Season 1 and 2 of Heroes, some Good Eats DVDs, new tires, 2 million dollars, a trip to Egypt, a Nissan GT-R. Will I get any of these? Nah, probably not, but you asked. I tell you what, one think I would love is an all-day pass to a day spa for my wife. Save it for after the baby, and let her just go unwind. That would make me happy.
You are the sweetest 🙂