Ok, since my last post, my life has done a 180 (hence the Tony Hawk referance). Lets start with the depression thing…
It wasn’t depression…it was apparently being overworked. Ever since I lost my weekend job and I actually have weekends for the first time in 2+ years, I’ve been really happy, and my wife now understands that now too. What we have decided is that until I find another way to bring in extra income, she will work weekend overtime when she feels like it and it will pay more for her getting time and a half than me working 16 hours over the weekend cooking. I don’t want to put this burden on her, but it is all voluntary. If she doesnt want to go in, she doesn’t have to which is great.
What I would like to do is get my computer building hobby a bit more seriousness and start advertising. I would enjoy it immencly and get to do it from home.
My GI…nothing came up in my ultrasound in my stomach, but they found a few cists in my kidneys which alot of people have and they don’t hurt anything. I’m anticipating more blood work to be done to find out more.
Other than that, everything else is going pretty well. MS has been mild lately, besides the occational numbness of course, but things are starting to look back up again.
Here is to the continuing luck with the mild MS symptoms. Working less will help that too.