Ok, since my last post, my life has done a 180 (hence the Tony Hawk referance). Lets start with the depression thing…

It wasn’t depression…it was apparently being overworked. Ever since I lost my weekend job and I actually have weekends for the first time in 2+ years, I’ve been really happy, and my wife now understands that now too. What we have decided is that until I find another way to bring in extra income, she will work weekend overtime when she feels like it and it will pay more for her getting time and a half than me working 16 hours over the weekend cooking. I don’t want to put this burden on her, but it is all voluntary. If she doesnt want to go in, she doesn’t have to which is great.

What I would like to do is get my computer building hobby a bit more seriousness and start advertising. I would enjoy it immencly and get to do it from home.

My GI…nothing came up in my ultrasound in my stomach, but they found a few cists in my kidneys which alot of people have and they don’t hurt anything. I’m anticipating more blood work to be done to find out more.

Other than that, everything else is going pretty well. MS has been mild lately, besides the occational numbness of course, but things are starting to look back up again.


Ok, my life sucks ass right now, let me explain why!!

Yes, I did get let go from my weekend job because of getting screwed by my kitchen manager. I have no money so I have spent like $800 of my father’s money because I havent had a weekend paycheck in a month.

I went to the GI last week and my symptoms were “too vague” to diagnose me, so I have to get an ultrasound and blood work done. As if I haven’t had enough of doctors.

A side effect of my shots is depression, which I may be developing even though I think its just stress, but alot of people have noticed a change in me lately. Good one more F’ing pill to take.

Damn shit ass fuck piss.


Yesterday night Robbi and I went to go see Dane Cook. He is one of the funniest commedians I have heard in a long time and I first saw him last year on comedy central presents and I almost peed myself.

To be able to see him live yesterday was so fun and also to FINALLY get to spend a night with just me and Robbi was a gift in and of itself.

I have a very good time, and I think me and Robbi are going to try to set up little “dates” like this at least once a month to get away from Skylar and just have some together time.

I think I am finally going to go to the doctor this week though for my stomach because the aggrivation just isnt going away. I’ll keep everyone posted on that.

I also might have got fired from my weekend prep cook job today too, but I’m not sure. I’ll post the story later if anyone cares.

Well, I haven’t gone to a GI yet, but my stomach has been pretty decent the past few days. I guess nothing a few beers and a few shots of 1800 can’t fix. 🙂

Also, I came to grips yesterday with the fact that I may be developing a case of depression. Well, my wife and I had some serious talks about certain things last night (she hasn’t been too good lately either) and all in all, me and her had an AMAZING night last night just being together. So, all of a sudden, I feel the best I’ve felt in months, as does she.

I’m so fortunate to be with her, and I’ve came to my conclusion…

Robbi is my anti-drug.

If you are reading, baby, I love you 😡

Last night I took my Avonex, and the second I began injection, I felt myself getting cold…I know I was in for a long night. Within an hour, on comes the flu side effects. I was shivering like it was -20 degrees outside, I had to sleep with 2 shirts, 2 sweaters, socks, and sweats and STILL was cold. THEN I wake up this morning and my head is pounding worse then it ever has in my life. I was supposed to work this morning at the restaraunt, but had to call off. I still have the headache now, but not as bad.

I didnt take any of my prefentive pills last night either because of my stomach. Lose lose situation. At least I can watch the Lions game. OH THE LIONS GAME…SHIT GOTTA GO.

Yea, I need a vacation. I’m so worked lately that everyday, I can’t stand not being with my wife and kid. It actually is depressing me a little. It could be the Avonex doing that to me too, but I’d like to believe the latter.

I’ve been missing my wife so much, that I don’t even think about getting on my nightly videogames, I just want to hang out with her, even if it is just laying in bed and watching TV. I even sent her some pretty expensive flowers at work on Monday, even though I know I don’t have the money to do so.

Aside from a vacation, I need a change in my life as well. Whether it be a new job, another child, whatever. I think that will help my gloomyness lately also. Who knows, maybe a vacation is the end all cure all.

Time will tell.

ok, no I didnt get a GI doc yet, but wouldnt that be sweet if his name is Joe?

Anyway, called my neurologist, and said its probably not the Naprosyn irritating me because I only take it one pill a week. I’m going to go to one anyway.

My neuro is out of a different hospital than I want, so I’m going to get a referal from my surgeon.

We’ll see.

Ok, its been like 2 months and my stomache is still queasy all the time, its really getting annoying. I think I’m going to go see a Gastroenterologist to find out whats wrong, but I don’t have a family doctor so a few places I’ve called said even though I have a PPO insurance, I still need some sort of letter or something that will refer me to a GI. F*CK DOCTORS, PILLS, SHOTS, AND EVERYTHING ELSE these bastards continue to prescribe to me. I hate it.

Other than that I’m fine.

Busy Bee

I haven’t updated in a while, I’ve been really busy and alot is going on.

Somebody emailed me the other day, some “Doctor”, asking me to promote his MS book on my blog. I agreed only if he sent a copy to me and I enjoyed it. Its a book on healing MS with diet. First of all I’m not sure if it was even real, secondly, how the hell did he find MY diary? Anyway…

My highlight of the last couple weeks was working a Playstation Portable promotion. I was called to walk around the Van’s Warped Tour from 9-3 with a PSP tethered to my belt and get kids to play. Honestly, I played more than anyone, but who’s counting. AND for $20 an hour you can’t say no to that. So that was all fun.

Dirt is moved from my out-of-code porch at my house to the rear of the yard and getting ready to build the deck. I hope I have hands to help out unlike moving the dirt that took 9 hours.

My wife has gone out alot this week plus I had a 14 hour day on Wednesday, so I’m just looking forward to finally getting to spend some time with her.

I have 2 computer builds I am in the process of which makes me a few dollars (that I usually spend on a part for myself)and I have a big stock purchase that is going to make me around $1200 if it stays where its at when I sell, hopefully it goes up more than that by the time I’m ready but we’ll see.

Hopefully I won’t forget about my posts, so ttfn.

I need as many opinions on this as I can get from alll of you who have multiple suckmyasys…

If you are in heat for extended periods of time, the next day does your stomach get icky and feel like you will chuck at any moment? This happened to me last week after I had a triple header softball game, as well as yesterday, a day after I moved dirt in my house for 9.5 hours.

Am I getting too much sun or is something else?

It didnt help yesterday that I was sick, for my dads birthday present which was my whole immediate family (brothers and sister, mom and dad) go to a Tiger baseball game. I spend half of the game in a grill/bar area where it wasnt as hot, but I lost enough energy not to be able to go to dinner with them after.

As you all know, we just got a new house. Turns out, an elder woman a few houses down has MS, but is not as fortunate as some of us on the progression of it. There is also another neighbor who says he has been diagnosed but will not get it treated (I don’t understand these people, but to each his own). I guess he is against meds, and feels “Mary Jane” is the only one to help. 400,000 cases in the United States and 3 (including me) are within 5 houses of eachother. Wierd.