Starting this new blog on my server, but have imported all past diaries, from blogger as well as

Yes, this blog is a wordpress blog still, but I’m hosting it now (for control reasons). If you are reading and have a diary yourself, I’m updating my new blogroll links on the side. Msg me up and I’ll give you free advertising!

OK, so this is how the day goes. 

7:45a Summons was scheduled for 7:45 and that’s when I arrive.  I wait in line for 1 hour before I even get in to sit. 

8:45a Explanations of how the day is going to go, and procedures therein.  After a good :15 mins of talk, she CALLS A BREAK!  Not even a smoke break, just bathroom and grab some chips.  ::rollseyes:

9:15a The first names are called.  I sleep.

10:00a My name is called up to court 402.  "Wait outside until invited in."

11:15a Still outside the courtroom.  Finally told the case was settled and to go back down and wait, possible for another courtroom.  :sigh:

11:19a Get back into the gathering room, and see the "My Best Friend’s Wedding" is the movie they chose to play.  God help me, as if not irritated enough.

12:30a Dismissed.


Here is the thing.  You would THINK due to people hating being there as it is, they would make it a bit more comfortable.  ie, no ceiling drips and wet chairs, more than one metal detector to get in so I’m not in line a damn hour plus just to get in the place, maybe even a cafeteria and not a "store with chips."  Hell even some tables for people to play chess or cards or something to pass time.  Then again it is Detroit who is reigned supreme by your boy Quame Kilpatrick.  Maybe he should look at updating some of the public facilities and not banging and killing hookers.

OK, I’m going to try the blog thing again..why?  Boredom for one, and sometime I just need to vent.  So I’m starting this back up again.  My old blog is archived on for reference.

First subject of chatter…G*DAMN JURY DUTY.  I understand people have to do it, just WHY is it always at the most inconvenient time.  I hope I don’t get selected, but a small part of me wants to be.  I used to sit in on court cases in Pittsburgh while going to school and it was intriguing.  Being selected would mean I put Ryan in a bad spot this week at a very busy time. 

I’ll probably post more later when I get some more time, Sky is getting ready for Sesame Street Live.

You know what?  FUCK that phone.  Fuck Apple, Steve Jobs, and that whole God forsaken company.  Why is it that Apple thinks EVERYTHING they create is revolutionary and innovative?  I had Diamond Multimedia’s MP3 player in ’97, 8 years before an iPod was released…yea, iPod is just an overhyped MP3 player.  Hell, you cant even put your own MP3s on it.  “Oh, iPod holds 10,000 songs.”  Yea, at .99c per song, who the hell has that kind of money?

You know why Apple started using Intel parts?  ‘Cause Mac’s suck and crashed like Princess Di!  You know my last Mac before my Intel MacPro (the G5) had to be watercooled because it ran so hot?  That’s not innovative, that’s poor engineering. 

They sure know how to market, but man, their product is overpriced and overhyped, and 9 times out of 10 don’t work as advertised.  Watch, the iPhone will sell like crack and have 1059 incarnations of the phone (a la Motorola RAZR) but will suck in functionality of being a goddamned phone. 

Wanna see some good phones, check out and the Eurpoean and Japan cell phones.  THOSE phones are innovative. 

June 28th at 6pm!!  Woo fucking hoo, Apple.