Lets start with last night. I work at the restaraunt for 11 hours because my dish tank broke, so I worked harder and longer than I should have. My brother Dan works there with me and we were talking, he said, “You know Grandma is having surgery Tues., right?” Yes I know she is having a historectomi. What I DIDN’T know is its from a cancerous lump in which she has to take Khemo for!! No one in my family apparently thinks she is making it through that, according to Dan.


Then, I wake up this morning and apparently my wife has some sort of stomache bug, so I have to get up and get Skylar to day care. Ok, no problem, I’m just really tired from last nights events. It took me 10 minutes to find her shoes (they were in Robbi’s car) but thank God Sky was cooperative. So I’m a little late to work, oh well.

Ok, now at work, lets just try to shake all that off and have a good day. NOPE!!! I get a call from the doctor’s and BIOGEN IS VOLUNTARILY CANCELLING MARKETING OF TYSABRI!!! WTF!! www.tysabri.com has the details. Apparently, the Tysabri clinical trials in combination with Avonex is still ongoing. Well, one dude died and the other got a fatal demylination disease. I’m not going to be taking it in combination with Avonex, I’m trying to get rid of the shots!!! Whatever, safety first I guess.

Can my day get worse?

The Detroit Free Press this whole week has been running a pretty interesting subject in their FoxTrot comic…take a look






They mention World of Warquest. Its a general term representing World of Warcraft and Everquest 2, both are games of the same genre released around the same time last year. If you have played games of this type, these comics make alot of sense.

Ok, nothing really new going on in my life except I can play World of Warcraft without my wife complaining. She has found her own addiction, Smallville. Once she catches up to the present episodes (now in 4th season) I’m sure I won’t be able to play as much again.

The reason I bring up that game is because in my last post, a comment was from an old college roomate, John Do. Turns out he plays the game too, but on a different server. John, if you are reading this, my email is the same hit me up. I would join you on your Wow server but I’ve (as everyone here reads) invested waaay too much time into this character to switch over to a new one. I’m level 37 and according to my /played I’ve played for over 8 days game time. In other words, over 192 hours in close to 2 months. Anyway, John, email me. My character is “Brookelynn” on Dalaran server. Also, before John was my roomate, he was our friend Jed’s. He just emailed me today too. Too wierd.

On another note, my Celica is officially mine. Had it inspected and signed the new contract, title will officially be mine. It was a lease before (which screwed me in the end) but I dont have to worry about milage anymore. Its in the shop right now getting new brake pads ($350 just for PADS). 80,000 miles on the original pads is pretty impressive though.

Next Tues. is Tysabri round 2. We’ll see how that goes.

Also I noticed that my archive was linking wrong, so that is fixed now.



Ok, I haven’t updated in a while, but here is the recent low down. On the 5th, Robbi, Skylar, and I went to sesame street live, which Sky absolutely loved. She is 2 and was on the edge of her seat in excitement the whole time. We then dropped Sky at Robbi’s parents, then came home to get ready to go out to the club for Robbi’s birthday. 2am rolls around and we decide to go to a different type of club where she got a little crazy, but all in good fun.

Sunday, I had to work on the Super Bowl when I requested off, but “there was nothing they could do about it.” Bullsnip. I ended up sending the other washer home and just worked by myself cause it was so slow. Stuff like that pisses me off.

Anywho, not alot is going on this weekend, I have to work Saturday at 5 or 6 I cant remember, then Sunday I have a doubles bowling tourney with my mom. The I go to work. They also scheduled me on Monday, which of course is Valentines Day, which the manager got an earful for that, so we will see if he switches it. If he doesnt he is gonna hear it even more. I’m not even supposed to be working that type of job, and they seem to take advantage of my services.

Ahh well, thats it wor now.

oh my, such a relief to get out of that Neon and back into my baby. I’m all smiles today.

On a side note, I was at bowling last night and I was in the bar waiting for the secretary of the league (I’m the president) because I had to sign some papers about pricing contracts and whatever. Anyway, I was talking to Nancy the bartender and I was talking about my new meds. She said my dad was in there a few weeks ago and was sitting at the bar crying about my condition. Maybe it’s him not really knowing what this is, and its not as bad as people think. I dunno, that just struck a nerve with me and made me think.


This morning was my first infusion of Tysabri. Reminds me of getting Solumedrol. Maybe it’s because of the getting a drip from the same clinic. Anyway, one other person was getting it and another was getting steroids and khemo (sp?). I’m really tired of hearing people complain and feel sorry for themselves. I’m sorry, but there is nothing you can do to our disease by crying about it. Whatever.

Anyway it was an hour drip with an hour watchover. I watched Regis and Kelly. For the record, Kelly Rippa is one of the most perfectly beautiful woman I’ve seen. Perfect teeth, perfect eyes, hair, etc. Do you think she is 100% real? If she is, good for her parents, nice work.

As for insurance, they are approving people on an individual basis, not really a blanket coverage.

As for the next appointment, I go back for round 2 in 28 days, so you actually get 13 infusions a year. For the first month while its kicking in, I still have to take my Avonex. Ah well, so 4 more shots till I dont have to take it anymore. Fine with me.

Ok, so today at work has to be the slowest I can remember in recent memory. So, all day I have been working on the new design to my music site. For those who don’t know, I create music with a buddy of mine, his name is Neil “NC Legend” Carilli.

If anyone is curious, the site is


and the updated design is @ This Page

Heed of warning, this site is a high-quality images site, so if you are on dial-up, 1) When can I smack you, and 2) It may take a minute to load

Tomorrow @ 7:30 am is my Tysabri drip, first one. I usually take my Avonex on Mondays (my legs are reminding me as we speak) but I get to skip that for now. If all goes well, no more shots.


So Tues is my appt, I’m supposed to get a call Monday with more insurance answers. So far they have told me I have a $100 deductable for the year and 10% copay. Hmm, this is starting to look a bit expensive. We’ll see.

Saturday of next (5th) is my wife’s birthday (23) and we have tickets for Sesame Street Live, then later on maybe a dance club. We are having a get together at her parents tomorrow, so very busy weekend for me since I have to wash dishes at 6 Sat and 12-11 on Sun.

Maybe I should hit the brakes a bit. Thankfully I requested the 5th and 6th off for Robbi’s birthday and the Super Bowl (come on, it should be a holliday anyway).

What is REALLY sweet is that next year, on Feb 5th when my wife turns 24, the Super Bowl is on her birthday here in Detroit. Man that is gonna be fun.

So it’s scheduled. Next Tues @ 7:30. 1 Hour drip, 1 hour whatever after.

And how much is one administration?


I need to make sure my insurance only makes me pay a co-pay for office visit or RX co-pay. If I have to cover %10-%20, I’m not sure I’d like to do that. I’ll keep you posted.

On top of the fact my wife just started selling Avon (my mom is District Manager), and is having great response. She also got a nice bonus which will help pay our bills we’ve been behind on.

Most importantly, my clinic called me yesterday with a message on the machine that said,

“Hello, Matt, this is Mary from Dr. Singer’s office. Please call me back so we can schedule an appointment for your first dose of Tysabri.”

WHOOOO HOOOOO insurance finally came through, and no more shots, just a 2 hr drip every month. Plus I enjoy being there, the 3rd floor where they administer iv’s is a dedicated MS clinic, so I get to meet lots of people with MS, so thats very interesting to get to talk to them about it.

Anyway, I have to schedule that appointment, plus my Avonex just ran out and I have a MONSTER headache again today from it.