Ok, all this working 7 days a week thing, and all he running back and forth from my appartment to the new house, I think its all catching up. I’m sooo tired, I think I’ve fallen asleep at my computer here at work about 3 times.

Anyone got a coffee?

Damn, didn’t realize I haven’t posted in a long time. Anyway, I had my hurnia surgery on the 12th. I’d rather deal with MS. Ok, maybe not that extreme, but it sucks in terms of recovery. 4″ incision with 9 staples. THEN I get a chest congestion from my daughter 2 days later. I’m still coughing, and no doctor will give me anything for it. Imagine trying to cough with that pain. Not fun. I’ll tell you what though, my wife has been SOOO helpful, never complained when I needed something, I’m so glad I have her, she is the best.

On a brighter note, we closed on our new house the 20th and have the keys. Hurray! Now all I can think about is “Will we have enough money…when can we have another kid, etc” We have to take care of a few things for the city before we officially move in, but 1/2 is already taken care of. Just a matter of time before we get settled in there. Very exciting.

Lastly, has anyone seen the movie Mullholland Dr.? I love puzzling movies, but there is SOOO much that doesnt make sence, ie the mafia cappicino guys, silenceo, and the bum. I’d love to start a discussion on this if anyone has seen it.

Also, to the guy who reads my diary, Tim, and his wife, hang in there! I’m glad I can be a source of inspiration. I’m just a 25 yr old kid who want to live his life like he always has. As always email me if you have anything to discuss.

Oh, and GO PISTONS!!!!!!

Wow, I havent updated in a while. Anyway, the last month went like this…

We got the second house we put the bid on, we close on that next week. Very exciting, but I think it will hurt my wallet. It’ll be nice to have a grass to mow, and a place I can say is my house.

I can’t physically help move though…

Remember a few posts ago where I said I have a suspected hernia? Well, bingo it was. Has surgery for that today. I’m a bit uncomfortable while typing sitting here but I’m better than I thought I would be.

I’m trying to get rid of my car to get something newer and cheaper, but I owe $16k and car is maybe wirth $12k, so might have trouble.

As for my MS walk last month, I’ve raised $740 for that…I’ll post the “Team Picture when I can”

Very very busy lately but I’m making due.

“Brookelynn” my World of Warcraft character is level 50 whoo hoo. Who cares, right?

Does anyone with this stupid disease ever feel like not taking medicine anymore, not going to the doctor anymore, let the disease consume me and take it as God wished?

I’m tired of it. This among other things, like work, money, houses, etc. I’m physically and mentally exhausted. I need a day off, and not a day off getting blood work or checkups. Just a day to me to ease myself.

On a brighter note, my MS Walk is April 17th. My cousin is working as an intern with my uncles broking company which deals with celebs and athletes. He is getting some of the sports agents to get memorabilia together for silent auctions at the walk, example Barry Sanders. The walk, in which, I have so far raised $400+ for my pledges. Seems small in the grand scheme of things but I’m proud of it.

Any bit of help to cure this disease, even if its not in my lifetime. Cause I’m fed up with it, as you all probably are as well who have this thing.

So we were one of 3 offers for that house. He “like ours the best” and offered it to us if we raised our price 3000. Well, that was $500 more than his asking price, so I said no.

He took another offer.

Greedy bastard.

No no, 812 Denice. Its a house we just put an offer into last night. This house is friggin awesome. 3br, 1.5 bath, fully finished basement, brand new kitchen with skylight, pergo flooring, REMOTE ceiling fan!!!

here is the front




Now this pic is decieving because thats a mirror behind the bar, it faces a wall.

Anyway, this house is pimp, we find out today or tomorrow if he bites on the offer.

Man have I been busy as of late. We are back into the home search again, and may have found one we could put an offer in. Contrary to what my wife thinks it is UGLY AS SIN on the outside. She thinks its not that bad. No, its wicked ugly. On the inside, however, 3 bedroom, 2 more in basement, finished basement with a VERY nice bar, full back with jaccuzzi tub, pool, 2 car garage, blah bliggidy. All these updates look like they have been done themselves, so everything is half assed and no so finished. The basement bathroom, as example, has a NEST of wiring in the ceiling (which there is no ceiling) that I think can’t possible pass inspection. The tub has not been cauked into place, and the sink is non existent. The rest of the house is very livable, but it gives me something to do in the basement I guess. We will see how that all goes.

Robbi just went up north this weekend to visit her sister’s dorm and her aunt who was in a bad snowmobile accident recently (lets just say 20 foot fall and leave it at that). She left Sat morning early, and I had Sky all to my self. We had fun just us. We colored, and watched movies (or moobies as she says), and played pretend kitchen and she cooked me muffins and whatever. With Robbi gone, though, I realized 2 things…

1) Whenever I am “frisky” and she says, “No, I’m too tired.”, I will never again second guess that.


2) Robbi was gone for 2 days, and I missed her more than life itself. My heart would seriously stop without her.

Well that’s it for now, I haven’t been to a surgeon yet, cause I have to finish up bowling season and I’m going to be playing in a softball league this summer, and to be honest, I can’t afford short term disability right now. Yea yea, it will only get worse….
consider the patient.

And alleviating your fears on Avonex, Becca, I make it out to be worse than it is. I’d recommend Avonex 10 to 0 anyday of the week. While on the subject, I was supposed to take it Thursday, and my pharmacy hasn’t been able to get it in for 2 days as of now. No pharmacy in the area has it. I called my doc and said skipping a week is ok. BUT I WAS FEELING GREAT ON A DAY TO DAY before this, and this will throw me off.

Ohh well, we will see. Welcome home, Robbi, I love you.


So, found out my shakes were cause from the Zyban to quit smoking. There goes another hope out the window. Last week, I started feeling this uncomfortable discomfort in my inner leg. I went to see my neurologist for a checkup on tuesday, explained him my situation and discomfort, and he says it a possible hernia.


So now I have to go to a surgeon to check that out. And I took my Avonex today so I feel like absolute SHIZZLE.

My Warlock is up to level 41, on a bright note. At least I dont have to work at the restarunt this weekend.

I’ll tell you what, my life sucks the past week or so. My grandma made it through the surgery but the lumps had spread to her stomach, so Khemo it is. Doctor says there is a 50% chance she will make it 2 years, 15% 5 years. That sucks.

Then my wife gets back some blood test results that she took a few weeks ago, and she has hyperglycemia (low blood sugar). She has to change her diet a bit to keep her heart from racing. I guess we both have to deal with our own issues.

As for my issues, by doctor, or should I say “Team of Neurologists” called me in last Fri to tell everyone on Tysabri the REAL reasons it was suspended. Since my clinic was the biggest in the country for that trial, we get the low down pretty quick. The media did turn it a bit. This guy who obtained PML was in this trial for 2 years. What they are investigating is if this guy ever has MS at all, and not just this PML. They are seeing if it was linked to the drug at all. The other man who is sick DOES NOT have PML, according to a brain biopsy. They said something about this dormant virus (PC virus or something) that 85% of the population in the US have this virus that sits in your kidney or liver or something and gets triggerd by various things that no one knows. Again trying to see if Tysabri activates that. So the media really did twist this around a bit, so this is the real story.

As for me, my left arm, especially hand, can not stop shaking. Its starting to really get on my damn nerves, or lack thereof. Anyone else get this? Like a Parkinson’s twitch. Thank god I go back to the doctor on Tues.