3 comments on “Downtime Update

  1. Glad things are going well for you. Don’t even know if you read these “posts”, but I “posted” you once before, about my hubby, Tim. Not sure if you realize it, but you made a difference in someone’s life, and I don’t know how to thank you! Tim felt “branded” with this “women’s disease” and when he read your “Is anyone else tired of taking medicine every day…” well, it just put a new light on things for him. We’re even going to a thing in Rosemont to listen to Clay Walker speak about his MS June 2. Well, thanks again, for getting the ball rolling. We’ve been dealing with this for a year now, it’s about time we started DEALING with it!

  2. dont ever say “who cares” because you know that i care about everything about you. even if it is a silly game character. you are the sunshine of my life and i love you to death.

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