5 comments on “Exhaustion

  1. I know what you mean. Last fall it was all driving me crazy so not only did I take a day off, I took a month off. Of work that is. It was good to at least put one thing aside while I deal with everything else. Besides the MS, I was in the middle of buying a new house and selling the existing, was transfered to a different position at work against my wishes and the MS diagnosis was actually starting to sink in 4 months after I was told it was MS.

  2. The exhaustion does seem to come and go. I have been completely exhausted lately and only recently do I feel like I’m coming around to normal again. Stress definitely brings it on, and it seems like you’ve got it in spades! I hope things settle down for you so you can relax, and good job on the MS Walk…goos luck!

  3. AMEN!I know exactly what you mean. I, too, am sick of taking my “days off” only to go to the doctor’s and then feel like crap for the rest of the day. And these days, my MS-related trigeminal neuralgia is killing me…and the meds just make the fatigue worse.Hang in there….

  4. My husband is the one with the diagnosis, but the whole family suffers from MS here. Found your blog, and went back as far as it goes, reading all your posts. I added you to our “front page” so that maybe Tim would read it too. He’s so private, and I know it would do him good to “comiserate” with someone, and start learning some things about this disease. It worked, he read, and darn the luck, you haven’t posted anything in a while. Hope all is well with you. I don’t know which kicks his butt the worst… the exhaustion, or heat. Anything over 75 degrees, and he’s down for the count. And his neuro is about worthless!! Tim has terrible headaches, and all the guy does is keep upping the dosage on his elavil, and rewriting scripts for fiorinal. Tim’s on copaxone therapy. Side effects are next to nothing, the only drawback is needle EVERY DAY! He broke out laughing at your first paragraph in your last post. It was as if you were quoting his exact words. My “comment” is turning into a novel…better go…hope you post agsin soon

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