Lets start with last night. I work at the restaraunt for 11 hours because my dish tank broke, so I worked harder and longer than I should have. My brother Dan works there with me and we were talking, he said, “You know Grandma is having surgery Tues., right?” Yes I know she is having a historectomi. What I DIDN’T know is its from a cancerous lump in which she has to take Khemo for!! No one in my family apparently thinks she is making it through that, according to Dan.
Then, I wake up this morning and apparently my wife has some sort of stomache bug, so I have to get up and get Skylar to day care. Ok, no problem, I’m just really tired from last nights events. It took me 10 minutes to find her shoes (they were in Robbi’s car) but thank God Sky was cooperative. So I’m a little late to work, oh well.
Ok, now at work, lets just try to shake all that off and have a good day. NOPE!!! I get a call from the doctor’s and BIOGEN IS VOLUNTARILY CANCELLING MARKETING OF TYSABRI!!! WTF!! www.tysabri.com has the details. Apparently, the Tysabri clinical trials in combination with Avonex is still ongoing. Well, one dude died and the other got a fatal demylination disease. I’m not going to be taking it in combination with Avonex, I’m trying to get rid of the shots!!! Whatever, safety first I guess.
Can my day get worse?
I love you, and I’m sorry you’re having a bad day. You sounded pretty upset on the phone. You know I will always be here by your side for everything (your grandma, the Avonex, etc). And sorry for making you get Skylar ready and take her to daycare this morning.. but now you see what I have to go through EVERY day 😛
Sorry your day is going so bad. I will say a prayer for your Grandmother. I am also sorry that Tysabri was working so well for you and now it is discontinued. Maybe they will find the correlation, and be able to market it on a more limited basis.Take Care, Brandy
This news has been a bummer for us all – even folks like me who weren’t looking to switch treatments. My heart broke for everyone who was so excited about this new drug. But in my selfishness, I have to say that I’m glad you didn’t get it. Not until the drug companies can fully test it.I know you want it because you’re not taking it with Avonex, but I don’t want you, or any of the other bloggers in our circle, to be the guinea pig to see if it does/doesn’t work without the Avonex.