2 comments on “What Did I Do To You?

  1. Aw man, I’ve got to learn to pay more attention when I’m reading…I thought I saw “Cecelia” not “Celica,” like your car was named Cecelia. I got all excited about making a Simon & Garfunkel reference, and now it won’t work. Of course, I just made it, so I guess it worked out after all. 🙂 Sorry about all of the troubles you’re having…nothing like a little (or a lot!) of car trouble to really stress you out.

  2. LOL…no her name is not Cecelia. It actually is named from a Gone in 60 Seconds referance. If you saw the movie, you know Nick Cage’s dream car is a Ford Shelby GT500…it’s name was Elinore.My Celica’s name is “Celinore”, it has been my dream car for years, and even though I always say I’m getting rid of it blah blah, I love it too much, I dont think I can.

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