3 comments on “Perspective

  1. I am totally impressed! Not many people can put their life in “perspecitve” especially people of our relatively young age. Sky and Robbi are lucky to have you!Oh, and I guess I could root for a team like the Wolverines, but ya know it’s hard not to root for the #1 bball team in that nation 🙂 Of course, when it comes to football, Michigan has got it way over Illinois…I will definitely admit that…lol

  2. That is the greatest definition of Perspective I’ve ever read. Thank you so much for sharing. I am going to print it out and carry it with me, and during those moments when I’m feeling sorry for myself, or am having a blue moment, I will take it out and read it.

  3. Very nice! If you figure out a way to retire before you turn 30, let me know, OK? Cause I have two weeks left and it doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen for me. 🙂

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