Ok, over christmas I wrote this “memo” to my family members, and figured I’d share part of it with you all. This is kind of how I was feeling over the hollidays, but the individual parts about my family have been cut out because no one understands it but us, so tell me what you think….
A mental view or outlook: “It is useful occasionally to look at the past to gain a perspective on the present”
My name isn’t Webster, but if I was, here is what my definition would say. Perspective is having a child and understanding when you go to Best Buy, you don’t automatically run to the video game or computer section anymore, you now walk straight to the children DVDs and not realize you do it. Perspective is getting married and all of a sudden, every woman on Earth now looks “just normal” and your wife becomes the supermodel. Perspective is being diagnosed with a chronic life-altering disease, and all of a sudden, life falls into place what really is important to you; not computers, not design, not games, but family and time.
Perspective is realizing that there are no such things as “dreams”, they now become goals. Dreams belong in fairytales, goals are obtainable. Perspective is flying to Las Vegas just to see if there is a slight chance you could get signed to a record label, and never wondering “what-if.” Perspective is setting a goal to retire at 30, and not resting until you do. Goals are, and will, be obtained if you push for it. I’m not one to remember dreams when I wake up anyway. Perspective is knowing no matter where you work, or what you do, you work 120% when you are there because tomorrow, you may not be able to. Perspective is loving and taking pride in proving someone wrong when they tell you “you can’t” or “it’s just a dream.”
Perspective is, most importantly, living today for today. I wake up everyday, and when I can reach down and pick up my daughter, it’s the greatest day in the world. I may not be able to do that one day. I have no choice but to live my life thinking this way, because, for me, it’s true. It has made me such a better person for it. “Love others as you do yourself. If not for the rest of your life, then just today. Never take for granted what you have and what you are all able to accomplish. Find and follow your own perspective, and NEVER put it off till tomorrow.”
I am totally impressed! Not many people can put their life in “perspecitve” especially people of our relatively young age. Sky and Robbi are lucky to have you!Oh, and I guess I could root for a team like the Wolverines, but ya know it’s hard not to root for the #1 bball team in that nation 🙂 Of course, when it comes to football, Michigan has got it way over Illinois…I will definitely admit that…lol
That is the greatest definition of Perspective I’ve ever read. Thank you so much for sharing. I am going to print it out and carry it with me, and during those moments when I’m feeling sorry for myself, or am having a blue moment, I will take it out and read it.
Very nice! If you figure out a way to retire before you turn 30, let me know, OK? Cause I have two weeks left and it doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen for me. 🙂